Friday, April 30, 2010

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Hawaii: a step forward for civil unions between homosexuals

Hawaii of parliament approved a measure that will allow gay couples of marry according to the civil ceremony. The text will now go to the state governor, Republican Linda Lingleep , which has not yet expressed an opinion about it. If you sign the amendment becomes law. In this way, gay and lesbian couples have the same civil rights of any heterosexual couple.

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the countryside where

guess many of you know the commercials of the campaign where perlabellezzaautentica . With its self-esteem fund for the American company aims to redefine the stereotypical image of women.
Below two videos of the operation.


This is the last in chronological order: "The attack "

Thursday, April 29, 2010

How Many Weeks To Recover From Pleurisy

News in training of university Pistoia: get a degree course in "City Planning, land and landscape."

New university in Pistoia: by 2011 will be added to the training offer the degree of the Faculty of Architecture in " City Planning, land and landscape . Not arise from scratch but will be moved from its present site from Empoli, bringing the current 400 members. A brief should start the renovation of the headquarters in Via Pertini, where students and teachers held classes.

Here's an interview with the newspaper pages from LaNazione Uniser president, the lawyer Giuseppe Totaro .
(Recall that ilconsorzio Uniser Scrl, brings together the city of Pistoia, the province of Pistoia, the Chamber of Commerce, the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio Pistoia and Pescia, the City of Quarrata, Ansaldobreda, Assindustria and the University of Florence ).

How much concrete in this project?

"I would say a lot and the parties are already at work - says the president of Uniser, Giuseppe Totaro -. On 23 March, together with the Managing Director Professor William Bonaccorsi, we met with the deans of the faculties of Engineering, Stefano Manetti, Economics, Francesco Giunta, and the dean of Architecture Saverio Mecca, just to develop the project. Currently enrolled in the courses involved in the Faculty of Architecture are 400, one in four foreign, not to mention all those eligible to enroll in our territory is an opportunity for Pistoia really important. "

Where will host the new course?

"At the central level of the site via Pertini, which is closed at this time. But the work will start by June and will be concluded, as expected, in October. "

When will it be possible to transfer the course?

"Probably in a year, for the academic year 2011-2012."

A new course is coming soon, but meanwhile, were stopped a year earlier, according to the reorganization sought by the reform, the courses of Economics and Business Administration?

"This is duplication of courses, which are also present in the Campus of Florence, from which we depend. At first this site was created with the intention of offering an opportunity for on-site training Pistoia students, but possimo do much more. "


"The idea, already partially realized, is to offer specific courses that attract students but also teachers from out of town. For the most part these are courses that have a strong bond with the land, such as nurseries in Science, a unique experience for all of Tuscany, but also the transport of Engineering, tied to AnsaldoBreda, which will soon be replaced with a course degree in Mechatronics and attached laboratory.

think in the future to attract even foreign students?

"The city lends itself to becoming a university to measure student and the course of the Faculty of Architecture, which promotes eight seminars a year, will also make the trip into town renowned personalities of the universities Europe. But not all: we have an agreement in dance with the University of Osnabruck in Germany, to create a summer school in Pistoia, which offers courses in English for German students in the field of Tourism Sciences. Same experiment that our German colleagues would offer to our students. "

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Belgium prohibits the full veil

The Belgium is the first Western country to have prohibited the use of full veil in public places . The Chamber has decided that with the almost unanimously (there were only two abstentions) to adopt the measure, anticipating that the French consider a similar text in May. Now the document will pass in the Senate.
The measure reads: "People who are in a public space with their faces covered or obliterated, wholly or in part, with a piece of clothing that does not make them identifiable" are punishable by fine or with imprisonment for up to seven days.
for public space does not refer only local but also to open spaces such as streets, gardens and sports facilities. As you can see, the text makes no explicit reference to burqa or niqab , but more generally to any accessory that prevents the identification of the person.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

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alarm for a gas leak at school: they were the broccoli.

had just started the first lesson in the elementary school "Federico Guella" of Lizzana Rovereto (Trento), when the system alarm-gas became operational. Teachers and pupils have left the building immediately. Have occurred shortly after firefighters who have found to trigger the alarm was not a gas leak, but the broccoli cooked in the fire.
The fault would be the new and highly sensitive gas sensor. Edited by little, was fired because he reported the strong smell coming from the pots in the kitchen. "So sensitive sensors that pick up steam as intense as those caused to the fermentation of cabbage, can create this kind of incident", then explained the fire department.
In short, the smell of broccoli during cooking just does not seem to trouble people.

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girl died seven months in a charred car

A little girl burned to death just seven months inside the car of the mother. The tragedy took place in Benevento. The news is a few hours ago. The mother, however, is saved. Even to understand the dynamics of what happened. Between cases a woman's suicide attempt, but investigations are still ongoing.
The father of the little would speak to investigators of a difficult family situation.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

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After the ad personam laws, now the sacrament Berlusconi and embarrassment of the CEI.

During the funeral of Raimondo Vianello, the Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi receive Communion. Nothing strange, except that the premier is divorced and civilly remarried. The fact was brought evidenced by the daily Il Messaggero and now have lots of criticism. "Yet the divorced and remarried - the newspaper - the sacrament of Communion is completely denied, as reiterated by Pope Wojtyla and Ratzinger." Embarrassment at the CEI, in fact, the debate about the possibility of giving the sacrament even to divorced people has long been the subject of discussion.
Monsignor Giuseppe Casale, Bishop Emeritus of Foggia, is the idea that the rule should be reviewed. "Not so much - he says - for an enlargement lax but because, once a person divorced also have chosen the path of repentance, makes no sense to exclude from the Christian life. "Regarding the incident said:" The pastor mica could oust the president or whoever he was. But not because it was the Prime Minister, simply because the priest can not do a discriminatory act that would create a scandal. Rather, Berlusconi had to abstain from doing communion with his action did not behave consistently as a Christian. "
Small, new problems for the Church that is not certain at a particularly happy.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

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A dog, its owner and a mobile phone.

It take this opportunity to say NO to abandonment and NO ANIMAL CRUELTY TO THEM!

'Size and moral progress of a nation can be judged by how it treats animals. " Gandhi.

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Prato: fire in a nursing home. Fortunately no injuries.

A fire broke out around midnight in the nursing home run by Tertiary Dominican Sisters of Our Lady of the Rosary . Apparently the cause of the fire was a cigarette dropped on a mattress. Called immediately, firefighters managed to douse the flames in short order. Fortunately there were no serious injuries, only a man of 63 years reported a light smoke poisoning. Extensive damage, however, for the structure. There are many call''- say the sisters of Iolo - to know how we are, but apart from the great apprehension of the guests, all of us and staff present tonight, we can be raised. "

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If it goes another historical character of the tv: Raimondo Vianello

E 'died at the age of 87 years, another historic character of Italian television, Raimondo Vianello. He was hospitalized for ten days to San Raffaele hospital in Milan. His wife, Sandra Mondaini, confined to bed for a serious illness, he learned the news at home. The funeral will be held probably on Saturday.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Heartburn Gallbladder

died in China earthquake with a magnitude of 6.9: at least 400 dead

China was hit again by a violent earthquake. A strong quake of magnitude 6.9 hit the region of Qinhai. At the time there would be 10 thousand dead and 400 wounded, but the budget is expected to grow. The quake hit the area at 7.49 local, 1.49 in Italy.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

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not have the money to get to school, flunked out. Gazzo

A boy a higher institute of Treviso was rejected, not because it went wrong at school, but because the mother could not afford to buy the bus pass. The news is coming out only now and only thanks to the complaint from the game diocesan Caritas. We later learned'' 'cause in these cases, families often are ashamed to seek help - says the director of Caritas in Treviso, Don Davide Schiavon - but more and more families who can not do and the Italian ones have doubled in the last year.'' All this happened in fact in June 2009. In September, however, the boy, with help from Caritas and the City, was able to start over to attend classes regularly.

What Kind Of Hair Does Lala Use?

Max becomes an actor ... and in the meantime released a new CD.

From singer to actor. It 's the new challenge of Max Gazzo that the film will star Rocco Papaleo Basilicata coast to coast . The cast also Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Alessandro Gasmann and Paul Briguglia . Magpie will play the part of a carpenter, very good bass player, but dumb. The story of the journey of four friends to participate in a singing festival. A fascinating journey into the lands of Basilicata, but also an introspective journey, the end of which everyone will find himself.

Here's the trailer:

end of April is expected to release the new CD by Max entitled " So?" . from March 19 the single was released "While you sleep " part of the soundtrack Basilicata coast to coast. With this album the singer and musician decreed the entrance to the new label Universal Music.

In the video below the single "While you sleep:

below you will find the interview with Max Gazzo Andrea Conti, a journalist for TGCOM:

Now that you became an actor, let the music?

(Laughs) I know Rocco Papaleo for years and when I brought the role of Franco knew exactly what I would have accepted on the fly. It 'been sewn on top of me and I was not afraid to face this challenge.

A character who is mute but speaks with the music, seems a very difficult role ...

And so it was. It 's easy to fall into the obvious facial expression, it was to make Franco in the most natural way possible. A man who through the language of the bass himself and expresses emotions.

planning to continue with the film industry?

This was an exception, Rocco is a friend. But do not rule it out, seeing projected on the big screen I was very cute (laughs).

Giovanna Mezzogiorno also sings, as if the quarry?

all four are very good! A real surprise beyond the technicalities. They were able to project themselves into the music in a big way.

Ready for the album release?

Twelve new songs, titled "When?" waiting for something to express. I did not want to call it with the title of a song, but give a new concept. I also changed record labels, are now with Universal, but I had the urge to sing after the publication of 'The Plough and the radio' in 2008. I hope I like it as well as video of the single "While you sleep" shot, of course, by Rocco Papaleo. There are images of the film but also some sequence recorded at the end of filming.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Respirometer Pipette Air Pressure

Granny goes to collect the pension on the Fi-Pi-Li ... by bike!

riding his bicycle in an old 83 year old was stopped by the Traffic Police on the Florence-Pisa-Livorno. He was already able to walk 7 kilometers, when it was reached by the agents at Cascina (Pisa). To men, in obvious confusion, he said he must go to collect their pensions. Even more serious is the fact that the story happened last Monday, the feast of the Angel, and then post offices were closed. The woman was able, through tears, to say the name of the child shortly after he came to pick her up. Given the situation has not been used to fine the elderly.

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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Does Tricare Cover Car Accident

Dealers Florentine claim damages for the tramway

are 80 Isolotto Florentine merchants in the area who have decided to meet to claim damages caused by the extension of work on line 1 of the tramway. If they are not heard in a common will go directly to court. At present the complaint to have been Daniel and the Locchi EVENT SHALL. "If Palazzo Vecchio - Locchi said - will not prove willing to negotiate compensation, adiremo legal action after each of the merchants participating in the committee will estimate the damage done and will be calculated as the total amount of the request. "New trouble then for the administration of Florence around the tram, after a number of problems in recent months.