Thursday, April 29, 2010

How Many Weeks To Recover From Pleurisy

News in training of university Pistoia: get a degree course in "City Planning, land and landscape."

New university in Pistoia: by 2011 will be added to the training offer the degree of the Faculty of Architecture in " City Planning, land and landscape . Not arise from scratch but will be moved from its present site from Empoli, bringing the current 400 members. A brief should start the renovation of the headquarters in Via Pertini, where students and teachers held classes.

Here's an interview with the newspaper pages from LaNazione Uniser president, the lawyer Giuseppe Totaro .
(Recall that ilconsorzio Uniser Scrl, brings together the city of Pistoia, the province of Pistoia, the Chamber of Commerce, the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio Pistoia and Pescia, the City of Quarrata, Ansaldobreda, Assindustria and the University of Florence ).

How much concrete in this project?

"I would say a lot and the parties are already at work - says the president of Uniser, Giuseppe Totaro -. On 23 March, together with the Managing Director Professor William Bonaccorsi, we met with the deans of the faculties of Engineering, Stefano Manetti, Economics, Francesco Giunta, and the dean of Architecture Saverio Mecca, just to develop the project. Currently enrolled in the courses involved in the Faculty of Architecture are 400, one in four foreign, not to mention all those eligible to enroll in our territory is an opportunity for Pistoia really important. "

Where will host the new course?

"At the central level of the site via Pertini, which is closed at this time. But the work will start by June and will be concluded, as expected, in October. "

When will it be possible to transfer the course?

"Probably in a year, for the academic year 2011-2012."

A new course is coming soon, but meanwhile, were stopped a year earlier, according to the reorganization sought by the reform, the courses of Economics and Business Administration?

"This is duplication of courses, which are also present in the Campus of Florence, from which we depend. At first this site was created with the intention of offering an opportunity for on-site training Pistoia students, but possimo do much more. "


"The idea, already partially realized, is to offer specific courses that attract students but also teachers from out of town. For the most part these are courses that have a strong bond with the land, such as nurseries in Science, a unique experience for all of Tuscany, but also the transport of Engineering, tied to AnsaldoBreda, which will soon be replaced with a course degree in Mechatronics and attached laboratory.

think in the future to attract even foreign students?

"The city lends itself to becoming a university to measure student and the course of the Faculty of Architecture, which promotes eight seminars a year, will also make the trip into town renowned personalities of the universities Europe. But not all: we have an agreement in dance with the University of Osnabruck in Germany, to create a summer school in Pistoia, which offers courses in English for German students in the field of Tourism Sciences. Same experiment that our German colleagues would offer to our students. "


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