Monday, March 14, 2011

Brown Period With Mucus

Google Crisis Response, the contribution of the web

The situation worsens by the hour while the images are of the news around the world.
first a violent jolt and then a terrible tsunami are putting the knee in Japan. dead, missing and now the nuclear threat.
faced with a situation that leaves the whole world in suspense, the network responds with one of its greatest exponents: Big G, via a dedicated page that can give you any information about what is happening.
given the seriousness of the situation, I'll spare you my usual phrases inconclusive, my memories as a kid and all the other things I usually write with the sole purpose to bore you to death, concluding with a wish that my thoughts: the land of the rising sun may shine soon.
Google Crisis Response

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Rabbit After Spay Died

Rank - Review

a chameleon lost in the maze of desert along the way landed near a remote town called "Dust" in which the hero pretends to be under the false name of Rank. Helped by luck, Rank became the first sheriff and then benchmark of citizens, who see in him the only hope for solving the problem of lack of water that mysteriously disappeared some time forces them to live in difficult circumstances.

Closed parenthesis tied to "Pirates of the Caribbean " Gore Verbinski reinvents itself in a genre that had never faced so far: the Western . As if enough, the director of "The Ring " for his experiment decides to use the animation also going to make something maybe never seen before . A test so difficult certainly needed some confidence, so Verbinski recalls his side the pirate Jack Sparrow, by entrusting the role of the protagonist, Rank to Johnny Depp.

Who said that the film quality animation actually have to be signed Disney / Pixar ? It 's true that in recent years, animation has always been a monopoly in their hands and that, barring accidents, will continue to be for a long, long time, but " Rango" is proof that with a little 'commitment, originality, intelligence and other studios can do well and partly filling a huge gap otherwise. on the Paramount and then Verbinski, who succeed where others had failed, thus creating a better product for adults and children (which, however, does not mind at all!).

's strange taste a genre like the Western through an animated film where, among other things, the unlikely hero is a chameleon in a crisis of identity. And this is one of the many reasons why "Rango" is to be commended: for its ability they succeeded in creating an animated western in all respects.
From start to finish (not counting the first ten minutes) the film follows a classical structure typical of the genre, without giving up some timeless scenes like the one in the saloon or the classic attack on the wagon (evergreen!).
also pays homage to many films historical western with a few scattered references here and there, including the scene where rank seems to encounter a "stranger" is very similar to Clint Eastwood -complete with Oscar! - That the help you return to the right on.
In this way, but also other scenes with a lot of fun, Verbinski also fails to meet the other, the soul, which, although overshadowed-on the issues touched by the film, however, could not be ignored altogether.

So you off to Johnny Depp , which can be seen perfectly even absent movements and reactions of his character, supported by excellent actors like Bill Nighy , Isla Fisher, Timothy Olyphant , Alfred Molina and Abigail Breslin .
In the Italian version is dubbed Rank by Nanni Baldini (the voice of Chukino) and not from the usual voice actor for Depp: Fabio Boccanera . A particular choice of which still have not managed to understand why, considering among other things that had been called to Boccanera double row in the promotional trailer for the film that you can listen below.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Elegant Christmas Paper

Face Helvetica, a font on my front.

very often, as in this moment, I found myself writing thoughts freely, pretending to be someone who knows something. you can write bales, a love story, a letter to a dear friend and even a will.
we can write it in a creative way or to abandon all our inspiration for a few didactic lines, keeping our superiors.
time for me to write without censorship and inhibitions, outspoken and unapologetic. I would like a custom font so even had my ch face, on every character, every point.
luckily my wishes are fulfilled thanks to Face Helvetica, a typeface generated. / face

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Neotopia Ter/gusb2-n Netopia

The jewel - Review

The Leda is an agribusiness company well established and well established in Italy. Its founder, Amanzio Rastelli ( Remo Girone), decides he wants to extend from the European markets. Choosing which soon Leda brings the verge of bankruptcy because of spiraling debt which has to face. This fails to stop Rastelli, thanks to the skill of its chief financial officer: Ernesto Botta ( Toni Servillo), will find a way to delay the bankruptcy of his company by falsifying financial statements.

Andrea Molaioli faces his second film work. Stra rewarded by his first film, "The Girl by the Lake " shooting Toni Servillo and alongside Remo Girone, this time choosing to tell one of the most important pages of the chronicle of our country: financial collapse of Parmalat. "The jewel " In fact, despite the fictitious names that could mislead, is nothing but a fairly accurate reconstruction of that great economic failure that has seen hitting the millions of Italians. And so if Leda is Parmalat, the ' Amanzio Rastelli Remo Girone is Calisto Tanzi el' Ernesto Botta Toni Servillo is Fausto Tonna . But I'm not the only ones with a character under a false name in the film.

Party well, "the gem" to describe the golden age of a company went beyond his expectations - "the milk is not a product that earns a lot" is a phrase repeated several times-, showed his more sinister side, as the purchase "invisible" in a luxury car. " Dreams, illusions and related projects an expansion impossible, because of a provincial mindset too, reveals even more so when, for economic reasons and family is attached to the character of Toni Servillo to Laura Aliprandi ( Sarah Felberbaum ), the grandson of Rastelli. rather special character, which still remain obscure some behaviors.

The main merit of the film is a very interesting story that leaves you always follow with great attention, especially when the Leda began the descent that compels them to cling to any kind of saving can- . Here is shown the difficulties and at the same time the ease with which some companies can (and do), so its not legal, to stay afloat despite the obvious economic failure that afflicts. Only partially covered by huge favoritism and kickbacks made substantial personal right.

pity that the second part, the film suffers a few drops of pace. The story still keeps his interest, but with a little 'more effort compared to how he had done previously. One downside of this, already present in the first movie and probably Molaioli his Achilles heel.

But on the whole "The jewel " works well, is very intriguing and could explain in detail every single step on the technical choices made by the holding in financial speak. So anyone, even the less experienced , may include any type of way then responsible for future failure. Supported by two excellent actors (Servillo and Pool), the second by Molaioli far exceeds that of his debut. A good confidence booster for those who, until a few years ago it was "only" the assistant director Nanni Moretti!


Friday, March 4, 2011

How To Speed Up Dissolving A Hemotoma

The Mechanic (The Mechanic) - Review

Arthur Bishop ( Jason Statham) is a professional killer nicknamed "The Mechanic" because of his ability to "solve problems". Named for one of the usual missions, discovers that he was hired to kill his best friend and contact: Harry (Donald Sutherland ). His professionalism, he does not hesitate for even a second, but the killing, in fact, makes it completely alone. So when Harry's son, Steve ( Ben Foster), with the death of his father asked him to learn his trade for a possible revenge, Arthur a bit 'to loneliness, a little' sense of guilt, agrees to become his teacher.

Jason Statham does not break his usual tradition and goes back to try again with the kind of action. Placing himself in the shoes that were of Charles Bronson, bakes together director Simon West ("Con Air", "Tomb Raider"), the remake of "The Fall Murderess" dated 1972.
"The Mechanic " But it takes a bit too much to get interesting, and for films of this kind can certainly be an asset. Enjoy the first part that describes the character of Arthur Bishop, a perfect figure in his work as much as in his private life, which is always careful not to establish emotional connections with any human being. A very accurate picture, which frames immediately and very clearly about the character in question. The story begins to get slightly confused when our hero tries to (make) make contact with Steve. At this point, if you can not make the film should rely entirely on the solitary figure who discovers just how important the links or the relationship of training and (im) possible between Steve and his father's killer. But those two could be good, if not great, roads are completely ignored in favor of a third road, another very obvious and already exploited enough in the past from other films of the genre. Not the best originality then, but on the other hand was the only way to leave more space for action. So, what was well balanced in the first part of film is unleashed without restraint at the end. Blood, murder, jumps to absurd heights, explosions, hard to beat, muscles, everything that an action movie that must be respected within it. Of course, all this turmoil it has no impact on , "Our Heroes", which not only against the bad guys always manage to have the best but also not to get any scratch!

Without the presence of a face like that of Jason Statham, a film like "The Mechanic " would have certainly a different distribution (I speak of the American of course), maybe instead of going to the cinema, would be released directly to home video. But the presence of certain actors can often be a security where there half of the audience and the box office (in some cases also succeeding in excellent collections and unexpected sequel). This theory, which is now looking at the practical end of this movie, pretty obvious what makes sense.

The film does not have a release date Italian.
