Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Similar Models To Denise Milani

The Fighter - Review

been nearly seven years since the last film David O'Russel the director of "Flirting with Disaster ," "Three Kings "and" I Love Huckabees . Although not yet famous, perhaps precisely because of a fairly small filmography, U.S. can still boast of its track record of " misunderstanding" with some very interesting people in the Hollywood landscape. Dustin Hoffman and Lily Tomlin to George Clooney, with whom he seems to have done even to blows.
does not seem so obvious, then, to see him return to the limelight with a film that tells the story of a boxer's right.

The Fighter is the true story of Mickey Ward and his shattered family. Dickey coached by brother (Christian Bale ), former boxer never claimed to problems with drugs, Mickey (Mark Whalberg ) is regularly used by his family as an effective source of money. Fault especially of the poor mother Alice ( Melissa Leo), which now appear to adhered completely to the role of manager self-congegnatosi behind the child. But the arrest of his brother Dickie, the encounter with the beautiful Charlene ( Amy Adams) and contrast that his figure in the family leads, will completely change its fate.

If you think of this as the umpteenth film about boxing it is important that you immediately think again. " The Fighter" is a completely family-centered history, its relationships and its importance in the life of every man. Not by chance do a master in the film are his interpretations of the characters.

Beginning with a
Christian Bale Oscar-nominated (which I hope will win!) As best supporting actor. This work not only on his crazy character but also about himself. Twenty-eight pounds weight loss well is not easy, even if Bale had already accustomed us to such acts. Suffice it to remember him in "The Machinist " or in the even more unknown " Rescue Dawn." But not only that. A can not pass unnoticed is the rest of the work on the aspect of his chameleon character. The short hair, teeth damaged, the grins of true characteristic Dickie, evident signs of the meticulousness of a great actor in this extraordinary case. (To better understand what I'm talking about you have to wait for the end credits of the film which will show the true faces of the two half-brothers). Among other things, Bale is also the protagonist of the most beautiful scene of the movie where his character and that of Amy Adams lay the hatchet for the sake of Mickey. L ' Amy Adams I'm talking about is the same that was revealed to all that lovely Disney movie "Enchanted As". It has come a long way to the young lady and has also managed to choose the right direction, confirming once again one of the actresses more good out there. A repeat is also nominated as best supporting actress received for this role. Those who wanted to make this film at all costs is the main Mark Whalberg. There has always been a bit 'of suspicion about his interpretation: it is good? is not good? Well for me Mark Whalberg is good! Obviously in some scenes you hear the difference between an actor like him and Bale as an actor, but the former bad boy always gets along very well and cleanly. A do not get along very well, but instead is very well Melissa Leo (who is also Canidate Oscar). His role, along with that of Bale, is one of those who strikes the most throughout the film. A mother apparently heartless, very strong personality that can hold the reins of Ch and ready to endanger the health of the child while taking the money of his (wrong) meetings. Throughout the film is called by the name of Mickey always Alice. Only when the spring as a manager and he trusts people more prepared to witness a scene where it is called mother figure who apparently was not in its strings, despite the many children in the light of data. Impossible not to hate a character, everything about the actress it embodies and its interpretation.

Building (right) with a fast pace and then suddenly speed up, the film by David O'Russel succeeds in getting straight to the heart by telling a story in a smart way assume that the final could become boring and not very interesting. Instead, "The Fighter " is really a great film, strong, exciting, engaging and at this point deservedly nominated for seven Oscars.

The film will be released in March 4, 2011 Italian



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